
Our mission is to help underprivileged children of the greater Montreal area to meet their basic needs. We want to support them by providing access to an environment that is conducive to learning and academic perseverance, all with the intention to end social inequalities.


Driven by the desire to give equal opportunities to these children, Little Giants aims to raise awareness and educate the population on the issues related to this cause. It is our dream to positively impact the lives of children from disadvantaged backgrounds in the greater Montreal area. Our team is young, dynamic and we make the absolute transparency of fundraising a priority.

Nos Services

Monetary support for a general improvement of children’s living conditions

Supply of new and quality clothing for children

homework help, exam preparation, remedial education, and summer school

School effects
Supply of accessories and materials necessary for the full participation of children in school

Support for families in developing and maintaining healthy eating habits and practices in accordance with the recommendations of Canada’s Food Guide

Offering a team of mentors who are committed to developing lasting relationships with children and thus providing them with stimulating and interesting experiences and activities

Supporting children for a better understanding of their health

Sports and entertainment
Offering a wide range of stimulating cultural and sports activities

Curious about what your money is used for?

A regular newsletter is sent to our monthly donors detailing exactly what their donations were used for and other benefits.

Our partners